My Problem With A Park Bench

For a number of years, my local public park has been a source of refuge, relaxation, and, occasionally, reckless day-drinking. I like walking around the park, lying on the grass, and sitting on the benches.

This is not the case with all of the benches, however. In my park, not all benches were created equal. There is an issue with two of the benches, which I’ve outlined in the video below:

In this video, I express my frustration with the direction in which two park benches face in my local park.

As you can see, two of the park’s benches face onto the back of an ugly retail unit. Ordinarily, this would not bother me, as I’m generally a fan of sitting down anywhere. But it seems to me like a crying shame that the benches did not make the most of the broad vista immediately behind them. They are clearly the wrong way around.

If I were in a supposing mood, I would suppose these benches were the first to be installed, early on a Monday morning, because every other bench is positioned in such a way as to make the most of the view. Either a Monday morning or a Friday evening.

I put up that video two years ago. For a long time, nothing was done, until I again reached out to all of my local councillors. As expected, the useless old Fianna Fail and Fine Gael councillors didn’t respond. However, there was one councillor, Elena Secas of the Labour Party who did.

Elena Secas getting the job done!

Elena Secas getting the job done!

Elena has represented Limerick City East since 2014. She is what I would call a good councillor. She’s in it to improve the area for everyone, unlike some of the other councillors who are only in it for themselves. We need more people like Elena!

Elena took up the cause and the local authority have agreed to turn the park benches around. I am looking forward to enjoying the view of the park from those benches. I go to the park every day, hoping to see that the work has started. I will update you all as soon as they are fixed.


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