My first 10k

I’ve just finished my first ten kilometre run. I’m sweating heavily, I haven’t yet caught my breath, and parts of me are well and truly chafed. Despite all this, I’m very happy, and I’m going to share a little bit about my journey with you.


I’ve been running seriously on and off (mostly off) for about two years, so this is a very big achievement for me. Before that, I’d never really run before. If you’re thinking to yourself that you might want to try running, but don’t know where to start, I cannot recommend C25K enough. It does exactly what it says on the tin - taking you from sitting on the couch to running 5k in 8 weeks, by taking you through three running workouts a week, building your distance up and up. I’ve turned several friends on to this, and they all love it as well. The app is free, and this isn’t a sponsored post (unfortunately).

The longest I’ve run before this eight and a half kilometres or something like that. I track my runs using Strava, which is again, free, and does not sponsor me in any way, though of course if they did that would be daycent. Several of my friends use it as well, and you can give each other “Kudos” instead of likes on your runs. I’m looking forward to the avalanche of Kudos i’m likely to get for this.

I started the run thinking I would maybe try to do 6k, since I picked up a rotator cuff injury two weeks ago that took a while to heal. I decided to chance the ten. I’m glad i did.

The route I thought would be 10k turned out only to be around 7k, which is why the route squiggles all over the ma like a mad piece of spaghetti. That’s also why I ended up doing 11k - When I made the 10k I was only one kilometre from home, so decided to stride it out. I’m shagged now.

I listened to Chris Heria after I hit 4k. His music is bland enough, but it’s good for working out. It’s what it’s designed for after all. I try not to listen to music on a run until I really need to. It can give you a boost when you’re flagging, and I was pretty much flagging from the first step today. I turned 27 during the week, and I’ve spent most the time since eating treats and cakes.

I’m very tired now so I think I will sleep very well tonight! I am looking forward to sleeping with all of you - tonight should be a very good sleep indeed.


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My Problem With A Park Bench